Let's Get Watermelon Sugar to #1
A carrd on how to help get Watermelon Sugar to #1 on Billboard Hot 100.
Remember, if you're outside the US, stream with a VPN.
Use #WatermelonSugar, #BuyWatermelonSugar and #StreamWatermelonSugar.
iTunes - If you live in the US
Digital Single
Instrumental Digital Single
Music Video - if you live in the US
Google Store
Amazon Instrumental
iTunes Instrumental
Limited Edition Red Vinyl
REDEEM YOUR DOWNLOADS WITH PURCHASES. Click both download links. example
If you're purchasing, use a US address for it to count!
-Remember, it's 4 copies per version (regular or instrumental), per card.
Due to the 4 copies per card rule, there are now people who are willing to buy more copies but are unable to use their card, and so they are willing to fund someone else's purchase.
If you're someone who is willing to buy, but can't afford to, please try and find them, and vice versa!
There are buying parties happening such as this one and this one
Do not loopDo not muteUse title track focused playlist : add the Title Track or single to your playlist every 3-5 songs.Stream like a human : skip 3 songs per hour, don't be a botTurn auto-play off: home> settings > playbackDiversify your playlist: add 3-4 non-Harry songs to each playlist
Create a new account by using a US VPN and change your location to USThe account should be created with and based on a US locationUse Spotify on your desktopFree VPNs WON'T work for Spotify streams, try and use Expressvpn (free 7 day trial).Free VPNs DO work on YouTube, so go and stream from there!
Apple Music
Make sure you are streaming from Apple Music which is Harry's catalogue on his official pageDon't play from your own downloaded version from your Music LibraryDon't listen on loop/repeatDon't muteApple Music streams are really important - paid streams count for more than free streams, Apple Music doesn't have a free version.
Watch the Offical Audio, Music Video, Behind the Scenes and Tour Visual Video!Sign out of your account (one user, one view only) or go incognito mode!If you're streaming from different devices, make sure they're also different accountsMake sure to watch other videos in between that are not related to HarryUse US VPN if outside the US
Sign-in to your Youtube accountPlaying music videos on repeat or click the replay button when it ends (refresh, or have a playlist of different videos)
Here's a thread of tweets to request Watermelon Sugar
Shazam the song
(More shazams = popularity = radio airplay)
1. Download the Shazam app
2. Play 'Watermelon Sugar'
3. Open Shazam, press the big 'S'
4. After the song is recognised, go to
Settings > Applications > Shazam > Storage > Clear data > Delete
5. Repeat.
Thank you!
If there are any issues with the carrd/info on the carrd please let me know @sottfineline and I'll fix it up :)